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SubstantivePractice Content
Website Content Written for Lawyers by Lawyers

Specific Pages Tailored to Your Primary Areas of Practice

Our Substantive Law Practice Website Content service delivers ten pages of custom content written for your precise needs and jurisdiction. Every page is written by licensed attorneys, which means each writer has the legal background to research and understand the intricacies of your distinctive areas of practice.

In addition, we thoroughly investigate the marketing efforts of your competitors to best position you in your regional market through the substantive pages of your website.

With our Substantive Practice Content service, your professionally-written website content is optimized for search engine visibility as well as client conversion.

Our Substantive Practice Content service can be bundled with our Core Website Content service, and either Custom WebExpress or Custom WebShop website design service.

Contact us today to order your Substantive Law Practice Website Content.

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“When we set out to redesign our law firm website, we wanted a design that looks and works great on mobile devices as well as desktops.”
Logan Burke

“Our new responsive website does a fantastic job in that regard. The NextClient team did a great job and got our website up and running quickly. The attorneys at the firm are pleased, and we are receiving many compliments on the new website.”

— Logan Burke, Director of Web Advertising
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Free Consultation Get Your Project Started Today

Whether you can code your own website or can’t spell SEO, we are happy to take the time to answer your questions and share our expertise on creating and maintaining a web presence that maximizes your exposure to and engagement with your potential clients.

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