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Internet MarketingFor Lawyers
Search Engine Optimization for Your Law Firm Website
Law Firm Website Search Engine Optimization

Law Firm Website Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing for Lawyers

Our law firm search engine optimization and Internet Marketing for Lawyers service utilizes a best practices approach coupled with proven SEO principles to help you reach your target market through search engine results.

SEO starts by designing and developing a law firm website that is search engine compliant, coupled with content that utilizes relevant keywords commonly used by Internet users searching for your legal services. The SEO process is furthered by the strategic addition of content to your law firm website in the form of resource pages, periodic legal blogs and law videos. This is known as “on-page SEO.”

The second component of optimizing your law firm website includes the effective use of social media campaigns and generating news and interest outside of your website to increase visibility and earn recognition and links from third party websites back to your law firm website. This is known as Search engine optimization is about improving your law firm website, not deceiving the search engines. While there are many companies that employ sound SEO techniques, others employ short-cuts such as hidden text, Java script redirects and the use of “link farms.” Such unscrupulous “off-page SEO.”companies seek to capitalize from short-term results at the expense of possible long-term damage to their clients’ ranking integrity, which may include being banned by a particular search engine. While there are many SEO companies out there, it is important to take your time and make sure you select one that you are comfortable with and that fits the business goals of your law firm.

Our design, content development and Internet marketing teams work together to ensure that your law firm website is well-positioned to receive traffic from your target market. Whether yours is a major national corporate law firm or a local family practice, we can help you gain attention from the precise type of client base you are looking to attract.

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Whether you can code your own website or can’t spell SEO, we are happy to take the time to answer your questions and share our expertise on creating and maintaining a web presence that maximizes your exposure to and engagement with your potential clients.

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